Involving the Community in Remediation and Reuse Planning
This illustration depicts how we work with our beneficiaries, neighbors, and other stakeholders.
Click image to enlarge.
The Multistate Trust – together with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) – is committed to working in partnership with community stakeholders on the remediation and future use planning of the former Tronox/Kerr-McGee Wood Treatment Facility in Springfield (the Facility).
The Multistate Trust works with various stakeholders, including people who live and work near the Facility, the City of Springfield, Greene County, Greene County Highway Department, City Utilities, residents of Springfield and Greene County, and other community stakeholders. With our beneficiaries, the Multistate Trust is dedicated to:
Sharing information and seeking community input as the Multistate Trust investigates and remediates the Facility and facilitates its safe, beneficial reuse; and
Working with the local community and governmental agencies to turn the Facility into a community asset.
Local Contracting
The Multistate Trust strives to retain qualified third parties for timely, safe, cost-effective investigation, monitoring, and cleanup, and to build community relationships while investing in local economies as part of performing our work. Those who would like to be considered for labor or vendor services can contact Tasha Lewis at

Our Key Stakeholders
Residents of the City of Springfield and Greene County
The Multistate Trust and its beneficiaries recognize that the Springfield community and residents near the Facility have been the most impacted by past wood treating operations and continue to be affected by conditions and cleanup related to the Facility.
Residents of Springfield and Greene County (the County), Missouri play an important role in our work and our efforts to inform the community of the environmental investigations, remediation plans, and potential future use.
The City of Springfield
The Multistate Trust is committed to working with the City of Springfield (the City) and its leaders to keep them informed of plans and progress at the Facility. The Multistate Trust has held more than a dozen meetings with City and County representatives. Since 2017, the Multistate Trust and the MoDNR have worked closely to communicate with the City and County and respond to their concerns expressed about the potential for contaminants to affect public and domestic water quality and degrade the City’s sewer main pipe. In 2020 and 2021, the Multistate Trust and the City worked together to repair part of the sewer main that had been degraded by contaminants related to historic operations at the Facility.
Springfield currently has a population of approximately 168,000. For more information, visit
Greene County and Greene County Highway Department
Springfield is the county seat of Greene County, and the Multistate Trust works with Greene County to keep officials and residents informed about work at the Facility. The Greene County Highway Department (GCHD) maintenance operation abuts the Facility to the east. In 2021, the Multistate Trust worked with GCHD and Greene County to perform investigations at the GCHD property.
City Utilities
Since 2017, the Multistate Trust and the MoDNR have worked closely with the City Utilities to communicate with and respond to concerns expressed by the City Utilities about the potential for workers to be exposed to contaminants while working in the residential area located north and northwest of the Facility. The Multistate Trust developed a utility caution protocol and supports the City Utilities with excavation activities and disposal of contaminated soils for that area, as needed.
Community Outreach and Involvement Activities
To inform our neighbors, other stakeholders, and the surrounding community of our activities and progress, we use several outreach and communication tools.
Fact Sheets, Notices and Flyers
The Multistate Trust is committed to sharing information by distributing and posting fact sheets, flyers, and other materials to inform the community and seek input about our activities and upcoming work at the Facility. Visit Documents.
Our Community Events
The Multistate Trust, together with the MoDNR, periodically hosts community meetings to present materials, share updates, and answer questions about the Facility.
Requesting Input from the Community
Your recommendations for what you want shared in materials and at meetings are welcome. Please fill out our community survey here.
Stakeholder Meetings
The Multistate Trust appreciates any opportunity to meet with community members to share information about the Facility and our work, answer questions, and receive input. We welcome the chance to provide updates to individual stakeholders or groups by phone, videoconference, or email. For more information, please contact Tasha Lewis at or (602) 312-6993.
This website provides general information, materials, and links to resources. The website aims to give the public easy access to Facility information and to improve community awareness of the Facility and our investigations, remediation, and reuse planning.