Former Tronox/Kerr-McGee Wood Treatment Facility, Springfield, Missouri
Greenfield Environmental Multistate Trust LLC, as the Trustee of the Multistate Environmental Response Trust (the Multistate Trust), is responsible for owning, investigating, cleaning up, and facilitating the safe reuse of the ±68-acre former Tronox/Kerr-McGee Wood Treatment Facility in Springfield, Missouri (the Facility).
For almost 100 years, Kerr-McGee and its predecessors pressure-treated railroad ties at the Facility, leading to the release of creosote-related contaminants into the soil and groundwater at and around the Facility. In 2011, the Multistate Trust took ownership of the Facility, located at 2800 W. High Street, as part of the Tronox bankruptcy settlement.
What’s Happening at the Facility
The Multistate Trust has been prioritizing evaluating the off-Facility migration of contaminants that may potentially affect the community.
In 2024, the Multistate Trust continues to perform post-closure care of three closed hazardous waste surface impoundments and one land farm. Continued corrective actions at the Facility include groundwater treatment system operations and groundwater monitoring. The Multistate Trust collects environmental data as approved by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR). The Multistate Trust also plans to collect soil samples from certain residential yards and sewer gas samples from City of Springfield’s sewer mains.
Community Drop-in Session - October 2024
The Multistate Trust, together with MoDNR and MDHSS, hosted a community drop-in session on October 3 at the Library Station to meet with community members, answer questions, and share more information about our work around the Facility.
Submit your contact information to be added to the Facility mailing list and receive notice of upcoming meetings.
The Multistate Trust
The Multistate Trust is a private, independent environmental response trust created as part of a bankruptcy settlement and dedicated to:
Protecting human health and the environment by addressing contamination at and around the Facility
Selling or transferring the Facility to facilitate safe, beneficial, community-supported reuses
Providing opportunities for meaningful community involvement
The corporate parent and sole member of Greenfield Environmental Multistate Trust LLC is Greenfield Environmental Trust Group, Inc. (Greenfield). For more information, visit the Greenfield website.
A Brief Overview of the Facility
The former Tronox/Kerr-McGee Facility is outlined by the white, dashed line. Click image to enlarge.
Starting in 1907, Kerr-McGee and its predecessors pressure-treated railroad ties at the Facility with creosote tar and other preservatives. Kerr-McGee’s operations released contaminants into the soil and the groundwater zones at and around the Facility.
Kerr-McGee decommissioned the Facility in 2004 and transferred ownership to a spin-off company, Tronox. Tronox filed for bankruptcy, and as part of the 2011 Tronox bankruptcy settlement, the Multistate Trust assumed responsibility for owning, investigating, cleaning up, and facilitating reuse of the Facility.
Residential neighborhoods adjoin the Facility to the north and northeast, the Greene County Highway Department’s property abuts the Facility to the east, and commercial and industrial properties are located to the west and south of the Facility. The active BNSF Railway rail line borders the Facility’s southern boundary. Most structures at the Facility have been removed or demolished. All that remains is a building with an office, groundwater recovery and treatment system, and a storage area.
The Facility is regulated by the MoDNR under a Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Facility (MHWMF) Part I Permit for post-closure care and corrective action (Permit number: MOD007129406). For more information, visit Cleanup.
Contact Us
Questions or concerns about the Facility? Please contact Tasha Lewis of the Multistate Trust at or (602) 312-6993.
Use this form to report odors or other unusual conditions (such as sheen on the ground or in water) to the MoDNR and Multistate Trust.